spindledreams: snowflake 2
spindledreams: snowflake 1
spindledreams: snowflake
spindledreams: shaft detail
spindledreams: final detail
spindledreams: spanish peacock and spinzone low whorls
spindledreams: yellowheart and purple heart low whorl
spindledreams: tabachek russian pair
spindledreams: Forrester russian
spindledreams: TC black palm and ebony medium
spindledreams: TC black palm medium and PI medium
spindledreams: DSCN1073
spindledreams: Sonokeling rosewood 35grams
spindledreams: sonokeling whorl 35 grams
spindledreams: figured bubinga 40grams
spindledreams: figured bubinga whorl 40grams
spindledreams: laburnum 36 gram
spindledreams: Laburnum whorl 36 gram
spindledreams: Kevin Rhodes 1
spindledreams: TC silk spindle and medium turkish
spindledreams: TC Silk spindle 6-26-2010
spindledreams: Threadthrustime spalted tamerin tiny
spindledreams: TC tiny and medium turkish
spindledreams: TC tiny turkish splated tamerin and ebony
spindledreams: TC medium turkish in action
spindledreams: TC medium turkish in action 2
spindledreams: Yorkieslave spindles
spindledreams: Yorkieslave Pigeon
spindledreams: learning the tahkli
spindledreams: mike fine day 14