spindledreams: Sugar & Cream Neptune Ombre
spindledreams: tiny shoe in handspun
spindledreams: cozy in cables toddle sweater body
spindledreams: Cozy in Cables toddler sweater 3 back
spindledreams: tulip stitch green n yellow
spindledreams: cozy in cable toddler sweater front
spindledreams: cozy in cables toddler sweater back
spindledreams: cozy cable toddle sweater 1
spindledreams: maybe not lace but pretty fine
spindledreams: doubled 2
spindledreams: doubled
spindledreams: regia vs shetland grizzly handspun
spindledreams: shetland grizzle 1st ball
spindledreams: mari with hat
spindledreams: hunters hat for mari
spindledreams: working spindles
spindledreams: shetland grizzly bear skeins 1
spindledreams: shetland grizzly bear skeins closeup
spindledreams: shetland grizzly bear skeins closeup1
spindledreams: state fair skein
spindledreams: shetland grizzly bear skeins
spindledreams: ready for fair
spindledreams: new spindle spins good
spindledreams: a bevy of spindles
spindledreams: very stuffed
spindledreams: pillow back
spindledreams: pillow front 2
spindledreams: pillow front 1
spindledreams: learning the tahkli
spindledreams: natural fibers