spilk: puppy
spilk: kitty
spilk: 189087638021.jpg
spilk: This cat wants to jump on me.
spilk: 189087476229.jpg
spilk: 189087410949.jpg
spilk: Diet Orange Soda
spilk: 7-11 in Lakeland
spilk: Finished product
spilk: Assembled 2
spilk: Assembled 1
spilk: Carbide bits
spilk: Etched board
spilk: Etching solution (post-etch)
spilk: Toner Transfer 1
spilk: Parts
spilk: EE Geek
spilk: It's hot out.
spilk: Florida Summer Rain
spilk: Microchip ICD-2
spilk: 16-Bit Demo Board
spilk: Lettuce Lake Park
spilk: Nice afternoon at the park
spilk: View from observation tower
spilk: Egret in the park
spilk: A bunch of wild turkeys
spilk: more wild turkey
spilk: Wild Turkeys
spilk: Wild Turkey closeup
spilk: Wild Turkey