spiffariffic: Palo verde: not my favorite
spiffariffic: Saguaro needles & shadows
spiffariffic: Cholla cactus skeleton
spiffariffic: Prickly pear bloom, fading
spiffariffic: Prickly pear bloom, fresh
spiffariffic: New prickly pear pad
spiffariffic: SDIM0489
spiffariffic: SDIM0472-4
spiffariffic: DSC_0564
spiffariffic: Prickly pear pad
spiffariffic: Prickly pear pad
spiffariffic: Prickly pear flower
spiffariffic: Prickly pear flower
spiffariffic: Prickly pear flower
spiffariffic: Specular highlights
spiffariffic: Auto Alpa 50mm experiment
spiffariffic: Auto Alpa 50mm experiment
spiffariffic: Auto Alpa 50mm experiment
spiffariffic: A strand of leaves
spiffariffic: A strand of leaves
spiffariffic: Portrait of a leaf
spiffariffic: Portrait of a leaf
spiffariffic: Blades
spiffariffic: Testing the Finepix S5 Pro
spiffariffic: Testing the Finepix S5 Pro
spiffariffic: Testing the Finepix S5 Pro