The Grand Poohbar: lighting a match2
The Grand Poohbar: lighting a match1
The Grand Poohbar: discovered how to set flash+long exposures
The Grand Poohbar: new camera
The Grand Poohbar: the world of 15 second exposures
The Grand Poohbar: the introduction
The Grand Poohbar: the beat down
The Grand Poohbar: my fireball
The Grand Poohbar: fire control
The Grand Poohbar: cover one side with your hand
The Grand Poohbar: sister in stroke mode
The Grand Poohbar: father figure
The Grand Poohbar: playing with long exposures
The Grand Poohbar: flaming baked alaskas
The Grand Poohbar: it looks like i'm spilling my guts, in the literal sense
The Grand Poohbar: double dip
The Grand Poohbar: pencil star
The Grand Poohbar: my attempt to draw the world
The Grand Poohbar: this you would be your standard super hero pose