spiderkakes: Fredericksburg Honda dealer parking lot
spiderkakes: VTX's waiting to go to Bulldog's
spiderkakes: the other end of the parking lot
spiderkakes: I can see my helmet, but not my bike...
spiderkakes: happily owned Honda's
spiderkakes: Syhman's blonde mermaid
spiderkakes: Syhman's brunette mermaid
spiderkakes: Syhman's mermaid with the jet black hair
spiderkakes: Fredericksburg Motor Sports
spiderkakes: gathering before the party
spiderkakes: the sole Delawarean
spiderkakes: Bulldog has something to say
spiderkakes: how to get from the Honda dealer to the Party!
spiderkakes: group hug?
spiderkakes: wait, THAT Honda has FOUR wheels...
spiderkakes: <gasp!> Bigdog? Is that YOU?
spiderkakes: yay!! Party!
spiderkakes: Bulldog's front yard
spiderkakes: view from the front porch
spiderkakes: putting a face to the name
spiderkakes: mingle, gab, look
spiderkakes: Syhman's best imitation of a Mermaid
spiderkakes: well, that's most of them...
spiderkakes: oh, wait, Our host is running in!
spiderkakes: well...
spiderkakes: MC Bulldog
spiderkakes: did I win?
spiderkakes: eh, looks like no.
spiderkakes: Richmond folks
spiderkakes: a few of Bulldog's closest friends