jquental: Lipaugus streptophorus
Daniel Mclaren .:. Naturalist Guide CR: Snowcap (Microchera albocoronata)
sparrowjack007: Great Egret
sparrowjack007: Lesser Goldfinch
sparrowjack007: Red-winged Blackbird
sparrowjack007: Song Sparrow
sparrowjack007: American Avocet
sparrowjack007: Common Yellowthroat
sparrowjack007: Anna's Hummingbird
sparrowjack007: Bahamas: Bahama Parrot
sparrowjack007: Bahamas: Yellow-throated Warbler
sparrowjack007: Bahamas: White-cheeked Pintail
www.sabrewingtours.com: Varied Bunting Vert Box Canyon AZ_E1U8895
PriscillaBurcher: Cyanocorax yncas galeatus (Inca Jay / Carriquí)
BillChenSF: Peregrine
hiker1974: Siberian Rubythroat
www.studebakerstudio.com: Black Hawk @ 70mm - Costa Rica
richard.mcmanus.: Emperor Penguin
jvverde: Pin-tailed Sandgrouse // Cortiçol-de-barriga-branca
pai_d1: Yellow-thighed Finch
Luis Villablanca: Fox Sparrow
Alvaro Colombo: Podiceps cristatus /Svasso Maggiore /Great crested grebe
Birdsforever.in: Grey Headed Bulbul
arvind agrawal: Osprey - IMG_9647-1
GARY ALBERT NATUREPIX: Wreathed Hornbills "Aceros undulatus"
Earl Reinink: Think I'll land and pose right here..
Yamil Saenz: White-tailed Kite Landing
richard.mcmanus.: South Georgia
FalcoWildlifePhoto: Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata)
Steve Zamek: A Bevy of Bee-eaters