spicey_spiney: Milky Way Rising from Astro Farm 29th April 2017
spicey_spiney: 7% Waxing Crescent Moon 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: 7% Waxing Crescent Moon with Earthshine & Aldebaran 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: 7% Waxing Crescent Moon with Earthshine & Aldebaran (2) 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: 7% Waxing Crescent Moon, Hyades & Mars (1) 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: 7% Waxing Crescent Moon, Hyades & Mars (2) 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: 2 Hour Eastern Star Trails from Astro Farm 29/04/17
spicey_spiney: 45 Minute MIlky Way Star Trails
spicey_spiney: Astro Farm Star Trails Timelapse Compilation
spicey_spiney: M3 Globular Cluster from Astrofarm 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: Pre-dawn Milky Way Panorama from Astrofarm 29/04/17
spicey_spiney: Pre-dawn Milky Way from Astro Farm 29/04/17
spicey_spiney: Sunset From Astro Farm 29/04/17
spicey_spiney: 14% Waxing Crescent Moon & Earthshine with Clouds 29/04/17
spicey_spiney: 14% Waxing Crescent Moon 29/04/17
spicey_spiney: Pre-dawn Milky Way From Astro Farm 30/04/17
spicey_spiney: M13 & NGC 6207 From Astrofarm 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: M57 The Ring Nebula from Astro Farm 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: M92 Globular Cluster from Astro Farm 28/04/17
spicey_spiney: Comet C/2015 V2 Johnson from Astro Farm 29/04/17