spicey_spiney: Smartphone Rainbow 15/01/15
spicey_spiney: Crepuscular Ray Compilation 21/02/15
spicey_spiney: Anvil Shaped Cloud in Oxfordshire 21/02/15
spicey_spiney: Partial 22 degree solar halo 2:25pm 23/02/15
spicey_spiney: Alto Cumulus (3) 25/02/15
spicey_spiney: Alto Cumulus (2) 25/02/15
spicey_spiney: Alto Cumulus (1) 25/02/15
spicey_spiney: Altocumulus Panorama 25/02/15
spicey_spiney: Sunset Crepuscular Rays 6:07pm BST 07/04/15
spicey_spiney: Partial 22 degree solar halo 3:34pm BST 12/04/15
spicey_spiney: Partial 22 Degree Halo 12:24pm BST 10/04/15
spicey_spiney: 22 Degree Solar Halo from Oxfordshire 17/04/15
spicey_spiney: 2nd Halo of the Day! 22 degree solar halo, 3:10pm 17/04/15
spicey_spiney: Parhelion (Sundog) 5:50pm BST 17/04/15
spicey_spiney: Parhelion (sundog) 6:43pm BST 20/04/15
spicey_spiney: Parhelion (Sundog) 28/04/15
spicey_spiney: Contrail Shadows, Sun Pillar & Faint Partial 22 Degree Halo 28/04/15
spicey_spiney: Faint Circumzenithal Arc 28/04/15
spicey_spiney: 22 Degree Solar Halo 04/05/15 12:35pm BST
spicey_spiney: Partial 22 Degree Halo 10:37am BST 06/05/15
spicey_spiney: Upper Tangent Arc, Parhelion & Sun Pillar 7:42pm BST 07/05/15
spicey_spiney: Crepuscular Rays 12/05/15 6:23pm BST
spicey_spiney: 22 Degree Solar Halo, 3pm BST 15/05/15
spicey_spiney: Partial 22 Degree Halo & Upper Tangent Arc 3:45pm BST 17/05/15
spicey_spiney: Partial 22 Degree Halo 3:55pm BST 17/05/15
spicey_spiney: Iridescent Clouds 16:43pm BST 04/06/15
spicey_spiney: Iridescent Clouds 16:49 BST 04/06/15
spicey_spiney: Parhelion + Partial Parhelic Circle 5:02pm BST 07/06/15
spicey_spiney: Sunset Jupiter & Venus 15/06/15
spicey_spiney: Upper Tangent Arc & Right Parhelion (Sundog) 16/06/15