spicey_spiney: Alium beginning to open
spicey_spiney: Purple flower
spicey_spiney: Little white flowers
spicey_spiney: Baby plums
spicey_spiney: Pretty in yellow
spicey_spiney: Chive flowers
spicey_spiney: Chive flower
spicey_spiney: Parsnips
spicey_spiney: Grassy field
spicey_spiney: Gazania bud
spicey_spiney: Snail on peony leaf
spicey_spiney: Delphinium buds
spicey_spiney: Water droplets on leaf
spicey_spiney: Grass seeds
spicey_spiney: Looking down on grass
spicey_spiney: New Life
spicey_spiney: Pretty in Pink
spicey_spiney: Camouflaged Seed pods
spicey_spiney: Big daisy
spicey_spiney: Pansies
spicey_spiney: Sea of flowers
spicey_spiney: Face to the Sun
spicey_spiney: Opening up
spicey_spiney: White rose
spicey_spiney: White rose bud
spicey_spiney: Pair of white flowers
spicey_spiney: Spikey ball