spicey_spiney: Waxing Gibbous #Luna 19/05/13
spicey_spiney: IMG_2234 CA
spicey_spiney: IMG_2288
spicey_spiney: IMG_2477
spicey_spiney: Moon behind leaves in a royal blue sky 14/07/11
spicey_spiney: IMG_2511
spicey_spiney: IMG_2633
spicey_spiney: IMG_3302
spicey_spiney: IMG_3296
spicey_spiney: IMG_3295
spicey_spiney: IMG_3516
spicey_spiney: Setting luna with chimney, 24/07/12
spicey_spiney: Daytime waxing gibbous luna 29/05/12
spicey_spiney: Waxing gibbous luna 29/05/12
spicey_spiney: IMG_0353
spicey_spiney: Moon in the hands of the leaves
spicey_spiney: Moon through leaves
spicey_spiney: Waning Crescent Luna approx 00:30 10/09/12