spi516: Gathering
spi516: Getting hungry
spi516: Chain saw!
spi516: Axe
spi516: A crowd gathers
spi516: You are not safe
spi516: Even zombies are thirsty
spi516: Passing out cards
spi516: Kid zombie
spi516: Crossing the road
spi516: Bedtime zombie
spi516: Moving
spi516: Dunkin
spi516: Waldo!
spi516: Keep on the sidewalks!
spi516: Down Elm street
spi516: Or the religious
spi516: Even the sleeping aren't safe
spi516: More protesting
spi516: Must get the car!
spi516: What are you looking at?
spi516: Banana!!
spi516: Yummy
spi516: Nuns!!
spi516: Waldo!
spi516: Protestors
spi516: Ninjas drool
spi516: 301 year old zombie
spi516: Many types
spi516: Young Zombies