spi516: Oregon
spi516: Oregon
spi516: Bright blue sky
spi516: Farm
spi516: Farm
spi516: The bikes!
spi516: High desert
spi516: High desert
spi516: My first pass
spi516: Struggling up the hill
spi516: Almost there
spi516: Al has no problems
spi516: Mountains distant
spi516: Teasing us on
spi516: Down we go
spi516: Clear blue sky
spi516: 90s is warm
spi516: Faster!
spi516: Ahh the top
spi516: Go!
spi516: Meltwater is running
spi516: Hills
spi516: Strata
spi516: Near the fossil beds
spi516: Fossil beds ahead
spi516: Countryside
spi516: Dayville church
spi516: Tim
spi516: Summit!
spi516: Flat land?!?