Sphynx Minx: Custom Car Tag
Sphynx Minx: MGP Caliper Covers Installed
Sphynx Minx: MGP Caliper Covers
Sphynx Minx: Sphynxed Out :)
Sphynx Minx: Stupid Key
Sphynx Minx: Buying the Nismo
Sphynx Minx: Buying the Nismo
Sphynx Minx: Buying the Nismo
Sphynx Minx: Buying the Nismo (Crown Nissan)
Sphynx Minx: Bought it. :)
Sphynx Minx: Interior
Sphynx Minx: Interior
Sphynx Minx: Nismo @ home