Sphynx Minx: Yes, Mom, I'll be careful...
Sphynx Minx: Dad's Co-Pilot
Sphynx Minx: Lily on top of the Kittywalk Kabana
Sphynx Minx: What a brave girl!
Sphynx Minx: I can really see TV well, Mom!
Sphynx Minx: I'm going to catch that feather!
Sphynx Minx: I love my feather thingy
Sphynx Minx: I can't eat in peace, Mom...
Sphynx Minx: See? Here one of them comes, again!
Sphynx Minx: Hungry kitties
Sphynx Minx: Hungry kitties
Sphynx Minx: Bilbo looks for his outside cat friend, J.J.
Sphynx Minx: At home in their cat tree
Sphynx Minx: Lily wonders what's in the top bunk
Sphynx Minx: Lily by Gimli's urn and his fishes
Sphynx Minx: Lily and the fishes
Sphynx Minx: Rose & Lily
Sphynx Minx: Popup Fun
Sphynx Minx: Popup Fun
Sphynx Minx: First day all three share the pop-up
Sphynx Minx: Too Tuckered Tootsies
Sphynx Minx: Restful Bliss
Sphynx Minx: Monitor Mates
Sphynx Minx: Monitor Mates
Sphynx Minx: Monitor Mates
Sphynx Minx: Monitor Mates
Sphynx Minx: Rose enjoys the warm monitor
Sphynx Minx: Rosebud