Sphynx Minx: Bilbo slept in his carrier and watched the girls
Sphynx Minx: Watching his sisters (reluctantly)
Sphynx Minx: Bilbo see's where his breakfast went...
Sphynx Minx: The Sphynx clan has breakfast together
Sphynx Minx: Breakfast with Bilbo
Sphynx Minx: Breakfast was short... for Bilbo
Sphynx Minx: The girls get Bilbo's breakfast...
Sphynx Minx: Looking at the empties...
Sphynx Minx: A geniune sourPuss
Sphynx Minx: Little Scamps....
Sphynx Minx: Rose on mom's 1890's Victrola
Sphynx Minx: Mom's easel is fun to climb!
Sphynx Minx: Lily comes down to follow Rose into the Red Shoe
Sphynx Minx: Rose spots Bilbo outside the office
Sphynx Minx: Bilbo's in a make-shift play tent...
Sphynx Minx: Bilbo meets Rose...
Sphynx Minx: You're too bouncy and pouncy!
Sphynx Minx: Rose ventures into the tent...
Sphynx Minx: Bilbo comes back in and WHAM...
Sphynx Minx: "Hey brother Bilbo!", says Lily
Sphynx Minx: Bilbo gives Lily his version of "hello"
Sphynx Minx: Following out of curiosity...
Sphynx Minx: Lily finds one of Bilbo's toys
Sphynx Minx: Leave my toy alone, you interloper!
Sphynx Minx: Watching Lily
Sphynx Minx: Watching Rose
Sphynx Minx: We are queens
Sphynx Minx: Lily and Rose pose for Aunt Missy
Sphynx Minx: Yawny & Sleepy
Sphynx Minx: In the pryamid