sph001: orchard beach
sph001: orchard beach
sph001: greenish tint in the bay
sph001: city island view from orchard beach
sph001: stepping stone lighthouse
sph001: old radio tower
sph001: stepping stones lighthouse
sph001: hunter island
sph001: shell
sph001: trump buildings
sph001: bridge view
sph001: ice rescue
sph001: smashed boat
sph001: glacier rock hunter island
sph001: hunter island
sph001: trail in hunter island
sph001: glacier rocks
sph001: glacier rock
sph001: glacier rocks
sph001: glacier rocks
sph001: glacier rocks
sph001: glacier rocks
sph001: boat house?
sph001: Hunter estate remnants
sph001: orchard beach
sph001: lake (ok puddle) at orchard beach parking lot
sph001: the southern end of city island
sph001: stepping stone lighthouse from city island
sph001: stepping stone lighthouse
sph001: City Island at dusk