sph001: rutgers marine center
sph001: fish factory... burned out
sph001: great bay avenue
sph001: heron in the marsh grass
sph001: bpats in the bay
sph001: me at the controls
sph001: bob at the controls
sph001: sunset
sph001: sunset and birds
sph001: sunset at oyter bay
sph001: sunset at oyster bay
sph001: oyster bay restaurant
sph001: nightfall near oyster bay restaurant
sph001: atlantic city on the bay
sph001: bob and moonlight
sph001: gull in the bay
sph001: approaching the beach
sph001: beach set up on sandy isle
sph001: me in the bay
sph001: live conch shell
sph001: walking in the low tide bay
sph001: atlantic city in distance
sph001: 360 view of sandy aisle
sph001: sandy isle - atlantic city in background
sph001: holgate
sph001: A.J. Meerwalk tall ship
sph001: A.J. Meerwalk tall ship
sph001: me at the controls
sph001: dusk over the bay
sph001: wake