sph001: nuclear plant
sph001: berries
sph001: tunnel for railroad
sph001: tunnel
sph001: tree growing into rock
sph001: old railroad bed
sph001: ivy on log
sph001: plant growing in rock
sph001: yellow plant
sph001: view in the tunnel
sph001: outside tunnel
sph001: tunnel walls
sph001: Tunnel - from inside
sph001: view of hudson
sph001: view of hudson
sph001: Fern growing in the rocks
sph001: Red rock
sph001: cistern - marking
sph001: steep rocky trail
sph001: wild blueberries
sph001: NY in distance
sph001: Mountains and valleys
sph001: Me on the trail
sph001: mountain across the way
sph001: Trail Blaze
sph001: Hawk
sph001: Hawk
sph001: Bear Mt
sph001: Bear Mt
sph001: Bear Mt bridge