sph001: Jeep - and the entrance at Adams Drive
sph001: The trail from Adams Drive
sph001: pipeline trail
sph001: bridges over stream
sph001: bridges over stream
sph001: Texas Gas Pipeline
sph001: gas pipeline
sph001: old fence and tree
sph001: Always been this way
sph001: wonder what happened here
sph001: Piece of fuselage
sph001: bright plants
sph001: old airport truck
sph001: old truck - a mercedes
sph001: Humor - I guess no one is working now
sph001: the bed of the old truck
sph001: the airport insignia
sph001: wp-14
sph001: red plant and hill
sph001: red plant and hill
sph001: abandoned snow plow
sph001: old car - what's left of it
sph001: leaves on pool of water
sph001: pipeline
sph001: old tree fort
sph001: dirt bike mask
sph001: another small stream
sph001: small stream
sph001: stream
sph001: Pipeline