sph001: red leaf along tower trail
sph001: new growth along tower trail
sph001: on the tower trail
sph001: Hawk on tower trail
sph001: rocks along the tower trail
sph001: view from on the tower trail - hawk
sph001: view from on the tower trail
sph001: The tower - on tower trail
sph001: view from the tower trail
sph001: View from way up high... on the tower trail
sph001: view from the tower trail
sph001: view from tower trail
sph001: cellular tower - tower trail
sph001: Hawks living on the cell tower
sph001: the changing leaves
sph001: View from tower trail
sph001: view from tower trail
sph001: View from tower trail - High Point Monument
sph001: me - on the summit of the tower trail
sph001: Sunrise Mountain - view of Space Farms
sph001: Black Snake - near steam mill
sph001: near steam mill