Spencer Jarvis:
Concord Block
Spencer Jarvis:
Sideline Scramble
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Tilbury shoot wide.
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Tilbury run down the wing closely followed by a concord player.
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Rebound goes in but it doesn't count.
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Tilbury place the ball for the free kick that results in their goal.
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A concord player dives to block a late tilbury shot.
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Tilbury get ready to hit a late shot.
Spencer Jarvis:
Tilbury make a late attack.
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Concord's keeper is rooted as the free kick goes in. 1 - 0 to Tilbury.
Spencer Jarvis:
Tilbury's Goalscorer...
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A bit of a goal mouth scramble mid way through the first half.
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Concord defend in numbers to prevent Tilbury getting shot away.
Spencer Jarvis:
The mud flies as Tilbury block a shot.
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Tilbury are at full stretch to steal the ball from Concord.
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Tilbury make themselves heard as Concord run with the ball.
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Tilbury strike a shot.
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50/50 Ball...
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Tilbury attack at full stride.
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Concord try to get a cross in early in the first half.
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Concord run the ball towards the corner flag in the first half.
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Tilbury hot on the heals as Concord run the ball towards the corner.
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Goal Kick? The keeper thinks so...
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Concord defend a Tilbury attack.
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Ouch. A crunching tackle.
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The Tilbury goal scorer (8) congratulated by a team mate.
Spencer Jarvis:
A late tilbury penalty is saved.
Spencer Jarvis:
Concord's Penalty hits the back of the net.
Spencer Jarvis:
Concord steal the ball back and look to clear.
Spencer Jarvis:
Concord clear upfield.