Katie Spence: mom and her dogs
Katie Spence: Christmas Tree '05
Katie Spence: Christmas Eve Dinner
Katie Spence: middleton st.
Katie Spence: Baytown!
Katie Spence: The Houston Ship Channel
Katie Spence: A popular t-shirt among bikers
Katie Spence: Bush Intercontinental Airport
Katie Spence: there are lots of pine trees here
Katie Spence: my dad lives on a golf course
Katie Spence: dad and bro jam
Katie Spence: dad and bro jam
Katie Spence: my dad plays the banjo
Katie Spence: flashy suitcase wheels
Katie Spence: flashy teeth
Katie Spence: my stepmother baked this
Katie Spence: christmas present
Katie Spence: marion with camera
Katie Spence: granny with presents
Katie Spence: flowers for granny
Katie Spence: Marion likes the pergola
Katie Spence: built by my dad
Katie Spence: built by my dad
Katie Spence: marions garden
Katie Spence: dads pool
Katie Spence: built by my dad
Katie Spence: i made a cheeseball for christmas
Katie Spence: pecans form the outer shell
Katie Spence: George Foremans compound
Katie Spence: what a ham