Spenature 2.: Great Crested Grebe Family .
Spenature 2.: A Female Brown Hairstreak .
Spenature 2.: A Male Brown Hare chasing the Female yet again after mating .
Spenature 2.: A Juvenile Black-winged Stilt .
Spenature 2.: A Black-tailed Godwit . Frampton Marshes .
Spenature 2.: The Cuckoo Wasp .
Spenature 2.: This is a Pantaloon Bee also called a Hairy Legged Mining Bee . Just emerging from it's burrow .
Spenature 2.: An Oyster Catcher flying at Two Tree Island .
Spenature 2.: Ethmia Bipunctella . Caterpillar of the Moth of same name.
Spenature 2.: A Male Brown Hairstreak .
Spenature 2.: A Brown Hairstreak . Female . Another first for me, getting ridiculous now . LOL .
Spenature 2.: A Mediterranean Gull . A little scruffy .
Spenature 2.: A Spoonbill at Welney .
Spenature 2.: The Wall Brown Butterfly .
Spenature 2.: A Cleg Fly , actually piercing the back of my hand .
Spenature 2.: The Scarce Emerald Damselfly .
Spenature 2.: The very rare Bee Beetle .
Spenature 2.: A Tree Sparrow , another first for me .
Spenature 2.: A Red-tipped Clearwing Moth .
Spenature 2.: A Brown Hare at Welney .
Spenature 2.: A Barn Owl at Welney .
Spenature 2.: A Redstart with the Kids Dinner .
Spenature 2.: A Red Kite .
Spenature 2.: House Martin at Goring on Thames .
Spenature 2.: A pair of Oystercatchers at Slimbridge .
Spenature 2.: A Black-winged Stilt at Slimbridge.
Spenature 2.: A Male Redstart startled with Caterpillar for his babies .
Spenature 2.: A Large Blue . Yet another first for me , mesmerised by this rarity .
Spenature 2.: A Downland Villa Bee-fly . Villa cingulata . I believe a Female .
Spenature 2.: A Female Black-tailed Skimmer .