Spenature 2.: A Longhorn Beetle.
Spenature 2.: The Brimstone Butterly
Spenature 2.: Bee Fly. (Bombylius major).
Spenature 2.: The Duke of Burgundy. (Hamearis lucina). My first.
Spenature 2.: The Dingy Skipper. (Erynnis tages). (Another first for me).
Spenature 2.: The Grizzled Skipper. (Pyrgus malvae)
Spenature 2.: The Green Hairstreak. (Callophrys rubi)
Spenature 2.: The Sloe Bug.(Dolycoris baccarum) One of the Shield Bugs.
Spenature 2.: The Marbled White. (Melanargia galathea).
Spenature 2.: A mating pair of Essex Skippers. (Thymelicus lineola )
Spenature 2.: The Caterpillar of the Great Prominent Moth. (Peridea anceps).
Spenature 2.: A pair of Gatekeeper Butterflies.(Pyronia tithonus ) Male on the left.
Spenature 2.: Hoverfly - Syrphus ribesii.
Spenature 2.: The Engine Room of the Migrant Hawker. (Aeshna mixta). Male.
Spenature 2.: The Green - veined White Butterfly. (Pieris napi).
Spenature 2.: Meadow Grasshopper. (Chorthippus parallelus).
Spenature 2.: The Centre of a Waterlily. With Honey Bee.
Spenature 2.: Now for something different. Part of my collection.
Spenature 2.: Burnished Brass Moth. (Diachrysia chrysitis)
Spenature 2.: The Orange-tip Butterfly. (Anthocharis cardamines).
Spenature 2.: Eupeodes luniger. (Female).
Spenature 2.: A mating pair of Silver-washed Fritillaries. (Argynnis paphia).
Spenature 2.: A Cardinal Beetle. (Pyrochroa serraticornis).
Spenature 2.: A Common Blue Butterfly. (Polyommatus icarus).
Spenature 2.: A Sawfly. Tenthredo Livida. (Female).
Spenature 2.: Some Ladybird Eggs.
Spenature 2.: Thick-legged Flower Beetle.(Oedemera nobilis). (Male).
Spenature 2.: A Rose Chafer. (Cetonia aurata).
Spenature 2.: The Speckled Wood. (Pararge aegeria ).
Spenature 2.: A Large Skipper. (Ochlodes venatus).