spellingwitch: Taxi-ing
spellingwitch: Turning onto the runway
spellingwitch: Seconds before throttle forward
spellingwitch: Seconds after liftoff
spellingwitch: IMG_3100
spellingwitch: Belmont? Aqueduct?
spellingwitch: Whitestone and Throgs Neck Bridges
spellingwitch: Over Long Island Sound
spellingwitch: Over Long Island Sound
spellingwitch: Over Long Island Sound
spellingwitch: IMG_3110
spellingwitch: IMG_3111
spellingwitch: IMG_3115
spellingwitch: IMG_3116
spellingwitch: IMG_3117
spellingwitch: IMG_3118
spellingwitch: IMG_3119
spellingwitch: IMG_3120
spellingwitch: IMG_3121
spellingwitch: IMG_3122
spellingwitch: IMG00810.jpg
spellingwitch: Plane says St. Patrick
spellingwitch: Shamrock on the wing
spellingwitch: IMG_3124
spellingwitch: Carton House
spellingwitch: IMG_3128
spellingwitch: IMG_3129
spellingwitch: IMG_3130