spellingwitch: No, it's "Animal Cruelty Prevention Month"
spellingwitch: Dairy & Appetizing
spellingwitch: IMG00048.jpg
spellingwitch: IMG00049.jpg
spellingwitch: IMG00085.jpg
spellingwitch: Crilled?
spellingwitch: Bad Starbucks
spellingwitch: IMG00004.jpg
spellingwitch: Gift Warp.
spellingwitch: Breaded Pork Shops
spellingwitch: Busted with olive oil
spellingwitch: Brakstores
spellingwitch: In my local Baskin Robbins-Dunkin Donuts hybrid
spellingwitch: Champagne's... what?
spellingwitch: Busted with olive oil, lemon, and herbs
spellingwitch: Breaded pork shops
spellingwitch: Sophia with olive oil
spellingwitch: Grammar Fail
spellingwitch: My iPhone charger feeds off souls like a Dementor
spellingwitch: photo.JPG
spellingwitch: photo.JPG
spellingwitch: Apostrophe abuse
spellingwitch: Duane Reade
spellingwitch: Mini bagel w/ copper