spellingwitch: Parade setup
spellingwitch: Parade setup
spellingwitch: Parade setup
spellingwitch: Brown lump
spellingwitch: Scooby?
spellingwitch: Deflated
spellingwitch: Green tarps down
spellingwitch: Scooby is a giant eyeball
spellingwitch: Macy's stars
spellingwitch: Yes, definitely Scooby-Doo
spellingwitch: IMG_0851
spellingwitch: IMG_0848
spellingwitch: IMG_0847
spellingwitch: IMG_0844
spellingwitch: Headquarters
spellingwitch: Flying fish?
spellingwitch: Dora the Explorer (to come)
spellingwitch: Dora the Explorer (to come)
spellingwitch: Dora the Explorer (to come)
spellingwitch: Snoopy WWI Flying Ace
spellingwitch: Yellow blob
spellingwitch: Pink Hippo
spellingwitch: Helium Truck
spellingwitch: Weebles or something
spellingwitch: Snoopy WWI Flying Ace
spellingwitch: Snoopy WWI Flying Ace
spellingwitch: Big Bird with antennae