Frank, Jr.: 1/52 [the dramatic entrance]
Frank, Jr.: 2/52 [down by the riverside]
Frank, Jr.: 3/52 [inseparable]
Frank, Jr.: 4/52 [hard choices]
Frank, Jr.: 5/52 [anatomy of a photo challenge]
Frank, Jr.: 6/52 [spotty]
Frank, Jr.: 7/52 [shining a light]
Frank, Jr.: 8/52 [shocking!]
Frank, Jr.: 9/52 [bow]
Frank, Jr.: 10/52 [soft & fuzzy]
Frank, Jr.: 11/52 [it's Leap Year! - or - it's Spring!]
Frank, Jr.: 12/52 [another sign that spring is in the air]
Frank, Jr.: 13/52 [through the viewfinder]
Frank, Jr.: 14/52 [flight of fancy]
Frank, Jr.: 15/52 [delayed gratification]
Frank, Jr.: 16/52 [in which Augie learns she is a dog, and not a little fur-covered person]
Frank, Jr.: 17/52 [soft and fuzzy ... and quiet]
Frank, Jr.: 18/52 [just enjoying a nice spring morning]
Frank, Jr.: 19/52 [cooler in the shade]
Frank, Jr.: 20/52 [from below ...]
Frank, Jr.: 21/52 [happy dog is happy]
Frank, Jr.: 22-52 [someone's got a bed time, and it's 10-30. if you want to stay up later, well, that's on you.]
Frank, Jr.: 23/52 [how we roll]
Frank, Jr.: 24/52 [ladies and gentlemen, and children of all ages]
Frank, Jr.: 25/52 [profile of a leaping fetcher]
Frank, Jr.: 26-52 [nothing like watching the game with a hot dog]
Frank, Jr.: 27/52 ["you can't photograph heat …"]
Frank, Jr.: 28-52 [dog days are here]
Frank, Jr.: 29-52 [havin' a ball]
Frank, Jr.: 30-52 [the lighter side of Augie]