junku: _0069748
junku: Happy Birthday, Fuwari !
josefrancisco.salgado: UT 3, 4 & The Milky Way [video]
ritsu.w: won't you have a wine?
junku: _MG_6401
junku: _MG_8378
junku: _0033415
junku: _MG_4138
junku: _MG_4433
ritsu.w: taking a shelter
ritsu.w: peeping cat
ritsu.w: in profile : long shot
ritsu.w: the day he came to my home
ritsu.w: relax
ritsu.w: Koubako / 香箱
ritsu.w: relax with getting warmth
ritsu.w: nayo thru the old lens
junku: _MG_9298
junku: _MG_9142
junku: _MG_5452
junku: _MG_0662
junku: _MG_1599
junku: _MG_3010
junku: _MG_3914
junku: _MG_5025
junku: _MG_5152
junku: _MG_5639
junku: _MG_5740