Speculum Mundi:
sweetie jars
Speculum Mundi:
Upsy Daisy Bakery front
Speculum Mundi:
delicious window
Speculum Mundi:
all of the cake...and wine...
Speculum Mundi:
Speculum Mundi:
pokey cupcake
Speculum Mundi:
Speculum Mundi:
organic prosecco
Speculum Mundi:
bexy face
Speculum Mundi:
flower jug
Speculum Mundi:
choosing from the menu
Speculum Mundi:
drink up (look sharp)
Speculum Mundi:
glass on paper
Speculum Mundi:
fizzy whine
Speculum Mundi:
Speculum Mundi:
here is my face, yes
Speculum Mundi:
come to me
Speculum Mundi:
drinky up
Speculum Mundi:
holly smiling
Speculum Mundi:
holly ear
Speculum Mundi:
Laugh Holly
Speculum Mundi:
YUM mmm
Speculum Mundi:
open wide
Speculum Mundi:
you're sure it's okay if I take this
Speculum Mundi:
kiss the cupcake
Speculum Mundi:
Speculum Mundi:
french toast with bacon and maple syrup
Speculum Mundi:
Oh Mr Sandwich, You so Witty