Speckled Jim: Inspired by Luke and for @ianjamesdavies and @juliangrundy a new spatula for the kitchen. #almostastrat
Speckled Jim: The wharf of canaries
Speckled Jim: Towers
Speckled Jim: Never seen anyone look at this bookshelf at work
Speckled Jim: River court
Speckled Jim: Sun going down over the wharf
Speckled Jim: Workshop day at the Zoo
Speckled Jim: A foggy day in London Town
Speckled Jim: gorilla
Speckled Jim: cheeky squirrel
Speckled Jim: sad monkey
Speckled Jim: Here be dragons
Speckled Jim: HSBC
Speckled Jim: towers
Speckled Jim: olympic park
Speckled Jim: Olympic Park
Speckled Jim: detail
Speckled Jim: roof
Speckled Jim: Post detail
Speckled Jim: DSCF1440
Speckled Jim: Above the entrance
Speckled Jim: arch