Speckled Jim:
The O2 from Canary Wharf
Speckled Jim:
The colouring put me off completely. As a colleague said "looks like shiny lipstick". Yuk.
Speckled Jim:
My meeting mug.
Speckled Jim:
Work Christmas pic
Speckled Jim:
Rock-e-oke. "You shook me all night long."
Speckled Jim:
Christmas dog walk
Speckled Jim:
Indy on his walk
Speckled Jim:
Christmas dog
Speckled Jim:
Making dog walking more edgy
Speckled Jim:
Misty dog walk
Speckled Jim:
Lovely weather
Speckled Jim:
Homemade schnapps present from Ged
Speckled Jim:
Kingston's phone boxes have spots courtesy of Some shop sponsorship
Speckled Jim:
Roadblock post storm
Speckled Jim:
Xmas pressie. 48 Jaffa cakes. Essential supplies for mountains.