Speckled Jim: Beach
Speckled Jim: Jae and Peccary jaw #costarica
Speckled Jim: Release the turtles
Speckled Jim: Pacific coast #costarica
Speckled Jim: The race is on
Speckled Jim: The shy and retiring Sarah Flynn giving it some large during a karaoke session
Speckled Jim: Sparkly prepared for the ceilidh
Speckled Jim: barney with mint
Speckled Jim: ceilidh night
Speckled Jim: ceilidh night2
Speckled Jim: ceilidh night3
Speckled Jim: ceilidh night4
Speckled Jim: jae and clare
Speckled Jim: clare and joss
Speckled Jim: clare and joss2
Speckled Jim: alpha3 before we left for play hermosa
Speckled Jim: building camp
Speckled Jim: iguana
Speckled Jim: scorpion
Speckled Jim: beach patrol
Speckled Jim: carrier bag full of eggs
Speckled Jim: digging for turtle eggs
Speckled Jim: escape to the sea
Speckled Jim: escape to the sea2
Speckled Jim: escape to the sea3
Speckled Jim: escape to the sea4
Speckled Jim: escape to the sea5
Speckled Jim: matt and marco find eggs
Speckled Jim: sunrise on the beach
Speckled Jim: sunrise on the beach2