specialagentCK: Astronomical Clock
specialagentCK: Door decorations
specialagentCK: Cubit stairwell (railings, wallpaper)
specialagentCK: Cubist coat hangers at the Grand Oriental Cafe.
specialagentCK: Say cheese!
specialagentCK: I seem to find cat graffiti wherever I go!
specialagentCK: One of the spires contributing to Prague's nickname: City of a Thousand Spires
specialagentCK: The Czechs like their sausages--and, in fact, meat in general.
specialagentCK: Cobble mosaic, Prague
specialagentCK: Even the sewer covers are artistic in Prague
specialagentCK: One of Prague's many skeletons
specialagentCK: Textured wallpaper
specialagentCK: Cubist lamppost, Prague, Czech Republic
specialagentCK: Crucifix in the Loreta treasury, Prague
specialagentCK: Wall art at the Loreta, Prague.
specialagentCK: They don't make books like these anymore...
specialagentCK: False books (spines only) at the Strahov Monastery Library, Prague
specialagentCK: Rows of birds' nests at the Strahov Monastery library, Prague.