Seth Patterson: Steatoda sp.
Seth Patterson: Orbweaver
Seth Patterson: Curve-faced Solifugid
Seth Patterson: Scorpion
Seth Patterson: Tailless Whipscorpion
Seth Patterson: Ox Beetle
Seth Patterson: Eyes of the Tiger
Seth Patterson: Carolina Tiger Beetle
Seth Patterson: Caterpillar Hunter
Seth Patterson: Wee Little Weevil
Seth Patterson: Rolling Around
Seth Patterson: Rainbow Scarab
Seth Patterson: Longhorn Beetle
Seth Patterson: Julia Heliconian
Seth Patterson: Gulf Fritillary
Seth Patterson: Guava Skipper
Seth Patterson: Clearwing
Seth Patterson: Mimic Tigerwing
Seth Patterson: Sapphire
Seth Patterson: Tawny Emperor
Seth Patterson: Mud Puddling
Seth Patterson: Yellow Helen
Seth Patterson: Leafwing
Seth Patterson: Pitter Patter
Seth Patterson: Be-Jeweled
Seth Patterson: Wasp-Moth