Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Parachute Jump In Pieces
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Parachute Jump
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - The Wonder Wheel
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Astroland
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - The Big Apple Coaster
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Wonder Wheel & Sea Serpent
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Wonder Wheel & Sea Serpent
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Wonder Wheel Innards
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Askew from the Wonder Wheel
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - View from the Wonder Wheel
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - B&B Carousell
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - B&B Carousell Dragon Chariot
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Jumbo Jet site
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Childs Restaurant
Spatch: Coney Island 2003 - Childs Detail