sparth: Ghost elevator
sparth: In Kirkland
sparth: Behind the maze
sparth: Diagonal Crossing
sparth: V for Mickey
sparth: Seattle Occupier
sparth: Rainy evening at Crossroads
sparth: Rainy Pike
sparth: Reflection with a large star
sparth: Absurd!
sparth: elevator scene
sparth: Under the SAM
sparth: The big pack guy
sparth: Stick kid
sparth: Pas de photo
sparth: Passage at the Cape
sparth: Night flow
sparth: Silhouette de nuit
sparth: Cape scene II
sparth: at Cape Disappointment
sparth: Couloir triangle
sparth: labyrinth
sparth: De la route
sparth: Boats
sparth: A special moment with a bird
sparth: Curiosity
sparth: Arbres de vie
sparth: Marymoor night
sparth: Statistics