spartan_puma: - Sunset in the Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: - Winter sunset in the Adirondacks, NY. Near the Loj
spartan_puma: - Winter in the Adirondacks
spartan_puma: - Adirondacks Sunset. Near the Loj
spartan_puma: - Sunset in the Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: - Sunset near the Loj. Adirondaks, NY
spartan_puma: - Sunset in the Adirondacks. The entrance to Loj
spartan_puma: - Dusk in the Adirondacks. Near the Loj
spartan_puma: - Winter sunset in the Adidrondacks.
spartan_puma: - Sunset in the Adirondacks
spartan_puma: - Sunset on the Adirondacks, NY. Near the Loj
spartan_puma: - Dusk on the way to the Loj. Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: - Blowing Snow at sunset. The Loj, Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: - Dusk and blowing snow in the Adirondacks, NY. Near the Loj
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20
spartan_puma: - On the road to the Loj. Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: - Sunset in the Adirondacks. Near the Loj
spartan_puma: - Winter sunset in the Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: - Sunset in the Adirondacks, NY. Near the Loj
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20
spartan_puma: - The parking area at the Loj. Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20
spartan_puma: - On the way to Mount Phelps. Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20
spartan_puma: - Winter hiking. Adirondacks, NY
spartan_puma: - On the way to Mount Phelps
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20
spartan_puma: Adk 3/20