spartan_puma: . Sidney at the family picnic
spartan_puma: At the family picinic
spartan_puma: Linda at the family picnic
spartan_puma: - Near the cabin during the family picnic
spartan_puma: Near the cabin
spartan_puma: _ Who can resist a creek?
spartan_puma: _ The irresistible creek
spartan_puma: JIll, Jimmy Colebert's daughter
spartan_puma: Jennifer, Jimmy Colbert's daughter
spartan_puma: Chilling in the backyard
spartan_puma: zDSC01906
spartan_puma: . Master Fisherman Chris shows his skill to the youth
spartan_puma: The Newells
spartan_puma: The cousins...
spartan_puma: The best Cupcake Ever...
spartan_puma: _ You talkin' to me? I'm busy here!
spartan_puma: . My niece Sidney working at the ice cream shop
spartan_puma: Chris and Laura at the Wilson-Colbert picninc in Rocky Pines
spartan_puma: The best Cupcake Ever...