spartan_puma: Waiting for the start
spartan_puma: Preparing for the Scarecrow 5K
spartan_puma: There we go!
spartan_puma: Emu birthday
spartan_puma: With the Masked Runner
spartan_puma: The Running Emus at the Scarecrow 5K
spartan_puma: . A few of the Running Emus
spartan_puma: Our friends...
spartan_puma: - My heroe
spartan_puma: A hawk in Tony's backyard
spartan_puma: - On the way to work
spartan_puma: - October storm
spartan_puma: Guest reader
spartan_puma: Discussing foreshadowing...
spartan_puma: Reading time
spartan_puma: The Distinguished Guest Reader
spartan_puma: During reading class
spartan_puma: Anna's classroom
spartan_puma: . Teacher of the Year
spartan_puma: . Teacher of the Year
spartan_puma: Let's eat!
spartan_puma: . My better half
spartan_puma: Teacher of the year
spartan_puma: _ Proud mom
spartan_puma: That was a good day!
spartan_puma: Oh... so proud!
spartan_puma: Fernbank Entrance
spartan_puma: - The Great Hall at Fernbank
spartan_puma: - Dining under the Dinos
spartan_puma: Whipping dinosaur tail