sparrowlight: Lauren is Amazing
sparrowlight: 011_8A
sparrowlight: devant l'ecole militaire
sparrowlight: sur le Musee d'Orsay
sparrowlight: devant la Seine
sparrowlight: 024_21A
sparrowlight: dehors
sparrowlight: devant la Tour Eiffel
sparrowlight: I have a dream to be free
sparrowlight: Stephanie & Rex outside the Musee d'Orsay
sparrowlight: Stephanie explores art...
sparrowlight: Krysta sketching at the soccer game
sparrowlight: Stephanie tries to escape
sparrowlight: Ms. Wood and her absinthe
sparrowlight: L, C, et C
sparrowlight: Lucie, Charlotte, et moi
sparrowlight: CIMG0158
sparrowlight: intrepid voyagers
sparrowlight: CIMG0162
sparrowlight: CIMG0165
sparrowlight: on top of a tank!
sparrowlight: CIMG0204
sparrowlight: atop the wall of Saint Malo
sparrowlight: Davidson 2ieme semestre