Bonnie Ott: Acraspis villosa on Bur Oak
Bonnie Ott: Elm Cockscomb Gall Aphid (Colopha ulmicola) growth on leaf of Elm (Ulmus sp.).
Bonnie Ott: Green Ash and Galls
Bonnie Ott: Dr. Seuss Land
Bonnie Ott: Red on Red
Bonnie Ott: Just Galling....Cedar Apple Rust
Bonnie Ott: Dr. Seuss Land
Bonnie Ott: Gorgeous Galls
Bonnie Ott: Wasp Galls....Acraspis nubila
Bonnie Ott: unidentified ?
Bonnie Ott: Tribbles
Bonnie Ott: Early Instar of Cercropia Moth
Bonnie Ott: Something I Learned....
Bonnie Ott: Something I Learned.....
Bonnie Ott: Goodies in the Gall
Bonnie Ott: Blackberry Seed Gall -- cynipid gall wasp -- Diastrophus cuscutaeformis
Bonnie Ott: Gall on the Tundra
Bonnie Ott: Galls (?) on Oak
Bonnie Ott: Gall on Willow Oak?
Bonnie Ott: Always Somethings New to Surprise Me :)
Bonnie Ott: Katydid Nymph and Galls
Bonnie Ott: Harford County Galls
Bonnie Ott: Stinkbug and Cherry Gall
Bonnie Ott: Galls on Hackberry Tree
Bonnie Ott: Velvet Erineum Gall Miite on Birch
Bonnie Ott: Galls in Millmont
Bonnie Ott: Galls in Millmont
Bonnie Ott: Galls in Millmont
Bonnie Ott: Springtail on Gall