Kevin Riggle: before painting - mural, radiator, window
Kevin Riggle: before painting -- chalkboard, mural, and radiator
Kevin Riggle: before painting -- view out the windows
Kevin Riggle: after painting -- windows, radiator
Kevin Riggle: after painting -- view out the windows
Kevin Riggle: after-painting -- radiator
Kevin Riggle: after moving in -- loft and new bookcase
Kevin Riggle: after moving in -- light
Kevin Riggle: after moving in -- "book nook"
Kevin Riggle: after moving in -- computer
Kevin Riggle: kraken mural
Kevin Riggle: kraken mural
Kevin Riggle: closet door, before trim painting
Kevin Riggle: windows, before trim painting
Kevin Riggle: view from outside my door, after painting and moving in
Kevin Riggle: my desk, after painting and moving in
Kevin Riggle: loft and bookcase, after painting and moving in
Kevin Riggle: context, before trim painting
Kevin Riggle: lamp and radiator, after painting
Kevin Riggle: my desk, after painting
Kevin Riggle: desk, after painting
Kevin Riggle: spare keyboard collection
Kevin Riggle: both windows, after painting
Kevin Riggle: in the closet, after painting