Sparnak: Kitchen
Sparnak: Livingroom
Sparnak: Roommate's bedroom
Sparnak: Dorm Bathroom
Sparnak: Small Dresser Drawers
Sparnak: My bed
Sparnak: Nicole's bed
Sparnak: The view from our room
Sparnak: Cooking
Sparnak: Nicole reading
Sparnak: Ugly bruise
Sparnak: Hamilton Library
Sparnak: Center for Korean Studies
Sparnak: Center for Korean Studies
Sparnak: Center for Korean Studies
Sparnak: Center for Korean Studies
Sparnak: Trees
Sparnak: Trees
Sparnak: Trees
Sparnak: Cat
Sparnak: Cornholers
Sparnak: Cornholers
Sparnak: Cornholers
Sparnak: One of the many dorms
Sparnak: Warriors
Sparnak: Memorial
Sparnak: Tree roots
Sparnak: Trees
Sparnak: Cats
Sparnak: Trees