Sparky the Neon Cat:
Lieve, Agnes, M and Winna (sp?)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Winna's kids (?), M and Winna (sp?)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Uncle Laurie, Aunty Lily, Agnes, Aunty Vi, M, and Aunt Yvonne
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Aunty Lily, M and Uncle Albert
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Aunty Lily, Uncle Albert and Agnes
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Winna, Lieve and Winna's 3 boys
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M and Uncle Alphonse
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Uncle Laurie and Aunty Vi
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Aunt Yvonne, M, and Uncle Alphonse with sons Peter and Paul
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Aunty Lily, M and Uncle Albert
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Moya, M, ??? and Penny
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Moya and Penny
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Moya, M and Penny
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M when she was leaving Whipps Cross hospital to go on a course
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Aunty Lily, Ta, Lieve, Uncle Albert, M
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Mary and friend
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Aunty Dorothy, Paul, M and Mary
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Paul, Mary and Anne
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Paul and Anne (?)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
AT with Anne, Mary and Paul
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
(Back) Anne, Aunty Dorothy, Aunty Sheila; (Front) Mary, Paul
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Anne and Aunty Sheila
Sparky the Neon Cat:
(From back to front): Aunty Dorothy, Anne, Paul, Mary
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M and Aunty Vi
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M and Aunty Vi
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Aunt Yvonne, Uncle Alphonse, and their sons Peter and Paul (in some order)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Mary, Aunty Sheila, Anne, Uncle Peter, Paul