Sparky the Neon Cat:
D's father Francis Bernard McCabe
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Pieter Willems (M's mother's father) on his deathbed
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Bill and Pat (M's Aunty Flo (Grandpa's sister) and Uncle Bill's kids)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Grandpa's mother and Aunty Flo (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Uncle Harry and Aunty Bert(ha) (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunty Bert(ha) (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Grandpa and M's mother
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunty Vi (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Wife of either Victor or Joseph
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunt Anna (M's mother's sister) and Grandpa
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's mother, M, a friend, a friend's husband, AT, UP
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunty Vi (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Leigh on Sea
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunty Vi (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Uncle Peter
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Winne (sp?) and Lieve, daughters of Aunty Lily (who married Uncle Albert, M's mother's brother)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Uncle Tony (M's mother's youngest brother)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Uncle Harry (married to Aunty Bert(ha), Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's uncles and aunts on her mother's side
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunty Vi (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Uncle Bill (married to Aunty Flo, Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Uncle Harry (married to Aunty Bert(ha), Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunty Flo (Grandpa's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
AT, M's mother, M
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's Aunt Anna (M's mother's sister)
Sparky the Neon Cat:
M's mother's mother - Clementina/Clemence