Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Family namesake
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Family namesake's store
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Indian Ocean breakers
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Indian Ocean breakers
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
My rental ancient Landcruiser
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Murchison River at the Loop
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Murchison River at the Loop
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Murchison River at the Loop
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Rock formation
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Murchison River
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Remnants of canoe from flooding
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Nature's Window
Sparky the Neon Cat:
The Z Bend
Sparky the Neon Cat:
The Z Bend