Sparky the Neon Cat:
Cannon mouth
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Fort Margherita
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Fort Margherita
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Tambang aka river taxi
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Cat City art shop
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Temple sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Jolly Good Food Corner
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Roundabout cat sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Dragon sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Dragon sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Dragon sculptures
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Sparky the Neon Cat:
Dragon sculpture