Sparky the Neon Cat: Itabaca channel between Baltra and Santa Cruz
Sparky the Neon Cat: Itabaca channel between Baltra and Santa Cruz
Sparky the Neon Cat: Itabaca channel between Baltra and Santa Cruz
Sparky the Neon Cat: Itabaca channel between Baltra and Santa Cruz
Sparky the Neon Cat: Pelican mosaic
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoise sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat: Angelique art gallery
Sparky the Neon Cat: Angelique art gallery
Sparky the Neon Cat: Angelique art gallery
Sparky the Neon Cat: Land iguana sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat: Waved albatross sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat: Street sign
Sparky the Neon Cat: Limon y Cafe bar
Sparky the Neon Cat: Angelique art gallery
Sparky the Neon Cat: Angelique art gallery
Sparky the Neon Cat: Angelique art gallery
Sparky the Neon Cat: Angelique art gallery
Sparky the Neon Cat: Charles Darwin sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat: Red-footed booby sculpture
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoises feeding
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoise
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoise
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoise
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoise
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoise
Sparky the Neon Cat: Giant tortoise